About Us

Santa Cruz County
Parks & Recreation Commission


The Parks and Recreation Commission advises the County Board of Supervisors and the Department of Parks, Open Space and Cultural Services on recreational programs, facilities, and parklands within the unincorporated area and outside the boundaries of the four special recreational districts of the County of Santa Cruz.

Parks & Recreation Commission Meetings

New schedule: commission meetings are now scheduled quarterly on a weekday to start between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm.
Click the buttons below for more information about Parks & Recreation Commission Meetings!

Public Participation
  • Please check the meeting agenda to learn details about how to participate in the commission meeting.
  • If you need special accommodations, please call 454-2772 or TDD: 711 (California Relay Service) at least 48 hours before the meeting.
  • To contact staff to the Parks and Recreation Commission, please e-mail parkscommission@scparks.com
Meetings & By-Laws
  • Commission meetings are scheduled at least quarterly on a weekday to start between 5:00 pm and 7:00 pm
  • The Commission may call for special public meetings in order to conduct timely Commission business.
  • Commission By-Laws PDF

Parks & Recreation Commission Members

  • Alexis Konevich, District 1
  • Tricia Wiltshire, District 2
  • Jeremy Sanford, District 3
  • Elizabeth Hernandez, District 4
  • Vacant, District 5
Alexis Konevich, District 1

Biography coming soon!

Tricia Wiltshire-Potts, District 2

Tricia Wiltshire is the newly elected Commissioner for District 2. Her interest in county parks began in 2013 when she had a vision for creating a park space for children of all abilities.  This idea led to her developing a successful public-private initiative between county government, the parks department, and community organizations to design, fundraise, and build LEO’s Haven at Chanticleer Park.  This fully inclusive playground opened in the Live Oak neighborhood in 2020.  LEO is an acronym for her children: Lauren, Evelyn, and Oliver. Tricia is a project manager with experience in long-range visioning, adaptive problem solving, improving organizational efficiency and effectiveness, and innovation with application. She lives in the Aptos Hills with her family, two livestock guardian dogs, and a ridiculous amount of chickens

Jeremy Sanford, District 3

Jeremy Sanford is a Professor of Molecular Biology at UC Santa Cruz and a Bonny Doon resident. Jeremy is committed to ensuring safe and equitable access to county parks for District 3 residents. Jeremy is also the head coach of the UC Santa Cruz rugby team and is a passionate advocate for the role of sports and recreation in our community. He is committed to creating and improving spaces for both young people and adults to pursue their sporting interests.



Monica Martinez, District 5

Monica Martinez, MPA, is the Chief Executive Officer of Encompass Community Services, Santa Cruz County’s largest health and human services nonprofit, where she leads cross-cutting system change to improve health and wellness for all, especially those who have been historically left behind. Monica is a community champion and advocate for health equity, with a reputation of using evidence-based, outcome-driven strategies to achieve results.

As a dedicated public servant, Monica deeply understands the intersection between public policy and the vibrancy of a healthy community. Her local leadership and reputation as a bridge-builder has led to advancements across many sectors, including affordable housing, behavioral healthcare, early childhood education, economic development and criminal justice. Monica has a Masters in Public Administration from University of Southern California and a B.A. in Political Science from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo. 

Monica is a Felton resident, outdoor enthusiast, and the parent of two school-aged children. 

Contact Us


(831) 454-7901

Monday – Friday 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM, except holidays

Our physical office is open, but staff availability is limited.